Algorand Developer

Algorand Developer

Algorand’s Pure Proof of Stake (PPoS) is Blockchain & Finance’s Future

The Algorand Developer course allows you to demonstrate the knowledge to develop and maintain client applications and Smart Contracts using the latest Algorand programming model.

Who is it for?

The Algorand Developer course is for developers who want to demonstrate their ability to manage the end-to-end application lifecycle, including developing, packaging, and deploying Algorand applications or Smart Contracts. In addition, this course enables developers to build state-of-the-art application features using Algorand software development kits (SDKs) and Developer Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

What it Demonstrates

Learners completing this course demonstrate the knowledge to develop and maintain Algorand Distributed Applications (DApps), client applications, and Smart Contracts. Knowledge of Algorand use cases, the Algorand Development Ecosystem that includes DApps, Smart Contracts, and features using the latest Algorand APIs, SDKs and development model. A developer must also be able to:

  • Build and configure a development environment.
  • Develop and build Algorand applications, Smart Contracts, and other applications using Algorand SDKs and APIs.
  • Complete the end-to-end application lifecycle, i.e., build, test deploy and maintain applications.
  • Develop, build, deploy an Algorand application using one of the many Algorand SDKs.
  • Passing a high integrity exam demonstrates the candidate’s ability to perform challenging real-world tasks under time constraints and your extensive Algorand skills and understanding.

Courses in this Certificate Program

  • 15 Hours
  • OnDemand & Project Based: 15 Hours
  • LIVE Online: 2 Hours+
  • Tuition: $249
Courses in this ProgramHours Delivery Method
Student Orientation1 HourLIVE Online (optional)
Algorand Enterprise Strategist3 HoursOnDemand & Instructor Supported
Algorand Developer Environment2 HoursOnDemand & Project Based
Algorand Smart Contracts5 HoursOnDemand & Project Based
Algorand DApp Development5 HoursOnDemand & Project Based
Live Instructor AMA - bi-monthly1 Hour +LIVE Online (optional)
Additional Options (Add Ons)
Algorand Developer Workshop3 HoursLIVE Workshop (bundled w/ course, enroll below)

Upcoming LIVE Instruction Dates

  • Instructor AMA

    Tuesday |  1 Hour |  1:00-2:00 PM EST (10:00 AM PT, 5:00 PM GMT) Attend LIVE to learn directly fro...

    February 14 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
  • Instructor AMA Friday February 14 2025

    Friday |  1 Hour |  2:00-3:00 PM EST (11:00 AM PT, 6:00 PM GMT) Attend LIVE to learn directly from...

    February 14 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
  • Instructor AMA

    Tuesday |  1 Hour |  1:00-2:00 PM EST (10:00 AM PT, 5:00 PM GMT) Attend LIVE to learn directly fro...

    February 28 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
  • Instructor AMA

    Tuesday |  1 Hour |  1:00-2:00 PM EST (10:00 AM PT, 5:00 PM GMT) Attend LIVE to learn directly fro...

    March 14 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
  • Instructor AMA

    Tuesday |  1 Hour |  1:00-2:00 PM EST (10:00 AM PT, 5:00 PM GMT) Attend LIVE to learn directly fro...

    March 28 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Algroand Developer Program Objectives

Upon successful completion of this intensive program, participants will be able to:

Build and configure a development environment

Develop and build Algorand client-applications, Smart Contracts, and other applications using Algorand SDKs, and APIs.

Complete the end-to-end application life-cycle, i.e. build and test applications.

Install, develop, deploy and maintain an Algorand application using one of the many Algorand SDKs.

Certificate of Completion – Algroand Developer – 15 Hours

75% Focus Area Certification Exam Competencies for:

  • W3CB Certifed Algorand Developer
  • Level 1, Version 2023
  • Certifying Body: Web3 Certification Board (W3CB)

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Algorand Developer Course Content


Module 1: Introduction

  • Introduction to Algorand
  • Blockchain 101
  • Future of Finance

Module 2: Algorand in-depth

  • Cryptocurrency
  • Scalability, Security, Decentralization
  • Nodes, Wallets, Transactions
  • Algorand Protocol
  • Interactive Exercise

Module 3: Algorand Architecture

  • Algorand Architecture

Module 4: Innovation

  • Core BC Innovation
  • Demo

Module 5: Smart Contracts and DApps

  • Smart Contracts
  • DApps

Module 6: Governance

  • Governance


Module 1: Getting Setup with the Algorand Developer Environment

  • Algorand Developer Environment

Module 2: PyTEAL

  • PyTEAL Installation and Configuration
  • PyTEAL Demo
  • Sandbox Introduction
  • Sandbox Demo & Module 2 Recap

Module 3: Software Development Kits (SDKs)

  • SDKs
  • Java SDK Demo

Module 4: Account Creation and Funding

Module 5: Exercise – Setup Your Environment


Module 1: Smart Contract Introduction and Course Overview

Module 2: Create Smart Contract with PyTEAL

Module 3: Deploy TEAL as a Contract

Module 4: Smart Contract Additional Details

Module 5: EXERCISE – Smart Contract Development


Module 1: Algorand Distributed Applications (DApps)

Module 2: DApp Exercises

Module 3: EXERCISE – Algorand DApp Development

Bundled Certificate Programs Related to The Course

Certified Algorand Developer

Certified Blockchain Smart Contract Developer

Certified Master Blockchain Developer


Course Information

  • Dates: Rolling Enrollment
  • Location: OnDemand & LIVE Online
  • Tuition: $249
  • Tuition Assistance
  • 15 Total Hours
Enroll Now

Additional Information

  • Module Quizzes and Knowledge Checks
  • Guest Lectures & Networking
  • Student Orientation
  • LIVE Online Instructor AMAs
  • Certification Exam Prep
  • Available, not included: LIVE Online Workshop

Certification Competencies

The material covered in this course contributes to 75% of the Focus Area Certification Exam Competencies for the Web3 Certification Association (W3CB) Algorand Developer Certification Exam.

Review all W3CB Focus Areas – Web3 Foundations Certification Exam.

Certification Tracks



  • Algorand Enterprise Strategist
  • Setting up Your Algorand Developer Environment
  • Algorand Developer
  • Solidity Smart Contract Developer (EVM)
  • Exam Voucher: W3CB Algorand Developer Certification



  • Introduction to Blockchain Scrum Master
  • Blockchain Development Decision
  • Introduction to DevOps
  • zk-SNARKS Essentials
  • Smart Contract Security
  • Solidity Smart Contract Developer (EVM)
  • Understanding L1 and L2 Blockchains
  • Exam Voucher: W3CB Blockchain Solidity Smart Contract Developer Certification